The manufacturer’s warranty is one year (alternatively — 10 000 km).
Everything depends on the type of vehicle an engine and is stated in the service manual of the car.
Currently we are not producing filters for cars with gas equipment.
No, we don’t. We mostly rely on the secondary market, and positive recommendations as well as feedback from around the world prove us to be professionals in this field.
A**** — air filters, AC**** — cabin air filters, AC****C — carbon cabin air filters, C — oil filters, O — oil filter inlets, FC — fuel filters, F — fuel inlet fitting part, JN — fuel filters (including submersible), T*** — transmission filters.
There may be three main reasons. First, it can be an improper filter installing (it was dragged or missed). Secondly — the damaged gasket; when buying a filter, you should pay attention to whether the package and the protective film of the product are secure, whether it was damaged during transportation. And thirdly, the reason may be the low quality of the filter due to poor crimping of the thread. AIKO filters are tested on EVERY stage of production, which allows to eliminate such, as well as other problems.
A brief instruction is located on one of the filter box sides.
All vehicles differ. You can find the answer to this question in your service manual.
Basically it depends on the car. Different cars have different requirements, for some of them you can put a filter, just with a suitable joint. But our and other experts still recommend using AIKO filters, which are direct analogs to original consumables. This is the most reliable solution, as the manufacturer gives a guarantee.
A bypass valve is necessary — it is the basic one. AIKO filters are always provided with it.
It’s more preferable to use not the oil, but special wax.
It depends on the user.
They are disposable.
On the official web-site of the manufacturer.
This is a long-established and «mature» industry. Almost all factories have the same technical process. The only difference is the machine that makes the filter. Like any mechanism, it must be reliable and pass the necessary maintenance on time, which is mandatory for specialists at the AIKO plant. Production equipment of the company is constantly being modernized and at the moment the development of this industry is the actual standard.
The current list is posted on the web-site of the official representative of AIKO products. (see the list)
We are a wholesale company. This information you may find at our dealers and distributors.
The basic products of our company are air, oil (including oil inlets), fuel (including submersible and fuel inlets), cabin (including carbon), transmission (complete with a rubber cork pad for the pallet) filters for cars and trucks, as well as for special equipment.
Yes, we have a number of industrial filters.
We specialize in the production of car filters as well as filters for trucks and special equipment.
Firstly, you can send us the picture and the size of the filter. We will check what we can produce on our equipment. In addition, you can send an example of a new or already used filter, as well as information on applying the filter or the number of other manufacturers, or the original number, if you possess such kind of data.
Send us pictures and sizes, and we will check this information for you. The answers are sent to ALL REQUESTS, regardless of who addressed us – individual, product dealer or other persons.
On request.
Most of the analogues of our products are manufactures in other plants, under other brand names and have their own articles. Our specialists constantly update the database of «crosses». If you could not find the information you are interested in in the main catalogue or the number » does not cross» with our articles, then, at your request, we will find the product you are interested in among AIKO products.
On request. We will check it for you.
You may need these items when replacing an oil or a fuel filter together with the sealant.
ISO certificates (international standard) and NAMI certificates (RF standard).
This information should be checked at the car producer or auto dealer.
The catalogue can be received from the manufacturer.
There is such an instruction on the boxes with oil and fuel filters. The replacement of air and cabin filter does not require any special skills. There are compartments in the car, where these filters are laid. Depending on the car they may be in different places. In the car manual you can easily find these filter housings. Transmission filters are being changed when replacing oil in the gearbox. When installing this filter, we advise you to contact a specialized car service station.